New Wave in Consumer Behaviour and Purchase Pattern Post Pandemic Tell us what you really feel about your shopping behaviour post pandemic. Age *Below 1818-2829-3940-5051-60Above 60Select Range for your Age City *Enter the City you Belong State *Enter the State you Belong Gender *FemaleMaleTransgenderAnnual Family Income (In Rs.) *Less Than 5 Lacs5Lacs-15Lacs15Lacs-30Lacs30Lacs-50lacsAbove 50 LacsAnnual Family Income (In Rs.)How excited are you to go shopping post pandemic? *Not at all excitedExcited but not so muchNeturalQuite ExcitedVery Much ExcitedHow excited are you to go shopping post pandemic?Do you purchase extra normally? (More than required for Self or for Family) *NeverSometimesAlwaysDo you purchase extra normally? (More than required for Self or for Family)Will you now purchase extra? (More than required for Self or for Family) *NeverSometimesAlwaysWill you now purchase extra? (More than required for Self or for Family)What are you likely to buy when the pandemic is over and you free to move? (Multiple Checks can be done)) *Apparel & clothingFood & GroceryFootwearConsumer Durable/ElectronicsJewellery, Watches & other personal AccessoriesFurniture & FurnishingSports goods, entertainment equipment & BooksBeauty, Wellness, Personal CareQSR & Restaurantstravel & leisure/lifestyleWhat are you likely to buy when the pandemic is over and you free to move? (Multiple Checks can be done)Which mode of shopping will you prefer after the pandemic? *Visit a Retail storeBuy OnlineBoth (online & offline)I don't intend to make any purchases in the next few monthsWhich mode of shopping will you prefer after the pandemic?Which of these measures will help you to trust a safer& hygienic shopping environment with retailers? (Multiple Checks can be done) *Body temperature checks everyday for all the staffSealed ProductsRegular Sanitisation of storesMinimal Staff interactionVirtual Trial roomsHome pick-up of returns (for stores & online purchases)Which of these measures will help you to trust a safer& hygienic shopping environment with retailers? (Multiple Checks can be done)How do you expect your shopping expenditure to change post pandemic? *It will decrease slightlyIt will decrease substantiallyIt will remain the sameIt will be higherHow do you expect your shopping expenditure to change post pandemic? How soon will you go to shop in retail stores/malls? *As soon as all stores openIn the next 3 monthsIn the next 3-6 monthsIn the next 6-12 monthsAfter a yearHow soon will you go to shop in retail stores/malls? Will you prefer Indian Local Brands? *YesMay BeNoWill you prefer Indian Local Brands?Send Message